Meet the Board 2020-2021

We’re a team of artists, writers, leaders, and most importantly, gamers.
We all came together to help lead CSULB Esports into this new era of competitive gaming.
Our main goals represent the club’s goals: to bring people together, compete together, and win or lose together.

Executive Board

Once a member of the Salt Miners, Judy has now taken over the role of President for the club. Despite her positional change, her goals for the club remain the same: help members bond more with one another over their collective love for video games and find a balance between the competitive and casual sides of gaming.

Name: Judy Tran
Gamertag: Luffffy
Role: Co-President
Favorite Game: Fire Emblem Awakening, Tetris, Shin Megami Tensei Series
Major: Computer Science
Twitch | Twitter | Youtube

Gaming has helped Jay find an identity he can call for himself and wants to help others find a community they can be a part of. Through this club, he hopes others with a deep passion for gaming can discover a community of friends to connect with and be motivated to be more active in school.

Name: Jay Anthony Galiza
Gamertag: Sh(i)rocast
Role: Co-President
Favorite Game: Atelier series, Splatoon 2, Puyo Puyo
Major: Communications Studies, Marketing Minor, Japanese Minor
Twitch | Twitter | Instagram

To Koreen, esports holds a special place in her heart because she was introduced to many like-minded students through the club, some of whom she considers to be her closest friends. Once she graduates from CSULB, she hopes to become an elementary school teacher. Through this, she believes she can also educate and inform parents and teachers of possible career opportunities in esports as well.

Name: Koreen Estal
Gamertag: Koreene
Role: Vice President
Favorite Game: Valorant, League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, Stardew Valley
Major: Liberal Studies
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Paolo, as his IGN would suggest, is pretty…neutral and easy going. He’s played competitively on Overwatch Team B, took on the role of secretary, before returning as a team coordinator for the club. The only time you probably wouldn’t see him neutral is when he’s at a TWICE concert, cheering for his bias, Sana.

Name: Paolo Angeo
Gamertag: Neutral
Role: Teams Coordinator
Favorite Game: Overwatch, Rainbow 6 Siege, Escape from Tarkov
Major: Consumer Affairs
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Hector grew up playing Nintendo games, with the Super Smash Bros. franchise being the most impressionable games for him. Around his junior year in high school, he began competing in local smash tournaments. Once he enrolled at CSULB as a Mathematics major, he immediately sought out the Esports Association to continue his passion. After obtaining his BS in Mathematics, he plans to continue his education and get his Masters Degree. His ultimate goal is to teach mathematics at a university level.

Name: Hector Salinas
Gamertag: Luck7
Role: Treasurer
Favorite Game: Xenoblade Chronicles, Bravely Default, Fire Emblem Echoes
Major: Mathematics
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Kaitlyn first started playing League of Legends in high school with her friends. This allowed her to connect with a streamer, Rabia “Nightblue3” Yazbek, and his community, which introduced her to LCS and esports as a whole. From there, Kait’s interest in the community grew and she found herself wanting to be a part of it.

Name: Kaitlyn Oribiana
Gamertag: sushisonata
Role: Secretary
Favorite Game: Animal Crossing New Horizons, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, League of Legends
Major: English Literature
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Summoner’s Beach

To Koreen, esports holds a special place in her heart because she was introduced to many like-minded students through the club, some of whom she considers to be her closest friends. Once she graduates from CSULB, she hopes to become an elementary school teacher. Through this, she believes she can also educate and inform parents and teachers of possible career opportunities in esports as well.

Name: Koreen Estal
Gamertag: Koreene
Role: Branch Manager
Favorite Game: Valorant, League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, Stardew Valley
Major: Liberal Studies
Twitch | Twitter | Instagram

Kaitlyn first started playing League of Legends in high school with her friends. This allowed her to connect with a streamer, Rabia “Nightblue3” Yazbek, and his community, which introduced her to LCS and esports as a whole. From there, Kait’s interest in the community grew and she found herself wanting to be a part of it.

Name: Kaitlyn Oribiana
Gamertag: sushisonata
Role: Branch Manager
Favorite Game: Animal Crossing New Horizons, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, League of Legends
Major: English Literature
Twitch | Twitter | Instagram

David’s experience with esports began in high school when one of his friends introduced him to League of Legends. Since then, he pursued a more competitive side to it by trying out for the CSULB LoL team in both 2018 & 2019. Now as an intern for the LoL branch, he wants to help other students connect with one another. During his time at CSULB, he has changed his major 14 times, but he claims to have settled on Human Development…for now.

Name: David Tapia
Gamertag: Ruh Ro
Role: Intern
Favorite Game: League of Legends, Valorant, Overwatch
Major: Human Development
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FPS Division

Cristobal himself has said he is a simple man; that is, a simple man that has “gotten here by learning how to click on people’s heads” in video games.

Name: Cristobal Cortez
Gamertag: TheOnlyJeff
Role: Branch Manager
Favorite Game: Overwatch, Destiny, R6: Siege
Major: Computer Science
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Kelly has been gaming for as long as she can remember, thanks to her older brother. She was introduced to League of Legends in 7th grade and broadened her scope to FPS and Battle Royale games in high school. Outside of the club, Kelly also enjoys lion dancing and kung fu.

Name: Kelly Vu
Gamertag: wuteek
Role: Branch Manager
Favorite Game: CS:GO, Overwatch, PUBG
Major: Computer Science
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VR Branch

Sage is a 2nd year in Fashion Merchandising, planning to start his own clothing printing company or brand. He found his esports passion through Smite, playing it every day since he was in high school. At club meetings, you’ll see him helping Joel set up the VR.

Name: Sage Thomas Salas
Gamertag: Ohirume
Role: Intern
Favorite Game: Smite, MMOs
Major: Fashion Merchandising
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Media Team

Jan would describe himself as a jack of all trades. During his time at CSULB, he aims to help CSULB Esports grow through his social media expertise. He is the go-to guy when the club makes announcements and social media posts. His main plan once he graduates is to be an elementary school teacher, seeking to become an avenue of acceptance and excellence for his future students. But he is always open to pursuing esports opportunities, possibly staying in social media or dabble in casting/streaming.

Name: Jan Luke Tariga
Gamertag: Yeyit
Role: Social Media Manager
Favorite Game: Rhythm Games, Overwatch, Paladins
Major: Liberal Studies (Education)
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Matthew has been a part of the club since 2014, jumping from game to game before finding his niche in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege. He has helped coach the Rainbow Six teams since its inception during the 2018-2019 season. Aside from that, he is known as the main Discord admin, helping the community grow and connect with one another. He also utilizes bots to keep the server clean and assist members when needed.

Name: Matthew Aquino
Gamertag: kino
Role: Discord Community Manager
Favorite Game: Starcraft 2, Minecraft
Major: Information Systems, Computer Science Minor
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Jonathan, AKA JC, has always been an avid FPS player but really broke out into PC when Overwatch was released. Both a filmmaker and a gamer, JC’s top goal with the club is to show the passion that goes into gaming and that gaming has brought many people together.

Name: Jonathan Charles Garcia
Gamertag: Ravarath
Role: Community Manager
Favorite Game: Rainbow Six Siege, Fate Grand Order
Major: Film and Electronic Arts: Editing
Twitch | Twitter | Instagram

Hayden is a former competitive figure skater of 13 years, going as far as nationals. He first heard about esports through the North American League Championship Series (NA LCS) & enjoyed learning about the players’ journeys & experiences. He, like many other members, joined the club because he wanted to meet people who shared a hobby that he enjoyed. Hayden is also the webmaster for the club, constantly developing & updating the site with relevant information & showcasing the players.

Name: Hayden Matheus
Gamertag: BounceBack
Role: Webmaster
Favorite Game: League of Legends, Minecraft, Payday 2
Major: Computer Science
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Stephanie is a former tennis player, having played for her former high school. She was first introduced to esports in 2012 through League of Legends. Steph’s competitive and occasionally impulsive nature led her to join the club as both a player and board member. She loves to write in her free time so she ended up becoming the copywriter for the club. Even though she graduated, Steph wants to stay involved with the club and help others find their place in esports as she did. #stayradiant

Name: Stephanie Hua
Gamertag: May Yuki
Role: Copywriter and Photo Editor
Favorite Game: League of Legends, Apex Legends, Persona 4
Major: Communication Studies, Film Minor
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Andrew is one of the club’s photographers, responsible for capturing moments within the club and during off-campus events. He graduated May 2019 but still comes to club meetings when he’s not working. He is the self-proclaimed most dedicated Pokemon Go player.

Name: Andrew Rudin
Gamertag: Emina
Role: Photographer
Favorite Game: League of Legends, Hearthstone, CS:GO
Major: Journalism
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Jalliyah got into esports relatively recently. She was introduced to it through the Overwatch League when it began in 2018. To her, Geguri and the Shanghai Dragons were her inspiration to compete in esports. With her art, she is looking to get hired by an animation studio or video game company.

Name: Jalliyah Camacho
Gamertag: CubedCake
Role: Graphic Designer
Favorite Game: Kirby, Overwatch, Animal Crossing
Major: Illustration
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Daniel grew up surrounded by video games because of his older siblings. This led to him developing a competitive nature, picking up both League of Legends and the Super Smash Bros. franchise to play and compete in.

Name: Daniel Kim
Gamertag: Hiklm
Role: Graphic Designer
Favorite Game: Smash Bros Melee, Ultimate, League of Legends, Pokémon
Major: Graphic Design
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While Drew is a freshman, he has taken on an important role within the social media branch. He is responsible for updating the community on how the competitive teams are doing every week on Twitter. He has been into esports since 9th grade through Rocket League, logging over 4,000 hours on the game. In his senior year at Millikan High School, he and Zachary Hughey created an esports program for the school.

Name: Drew Helms
Gamertag: Helmzey
Role: Social Media Intern
Favorite Game: Rocket League, League of Legends, CS:GO
Major: Business Management
Twitch | Twitter | LinkedIn

Zachary has been playing Rocket League since it came out in 2015. Watching the RLCS (Rocket League Championship Series) the following year, he fell in love with the crowd’s energy as they cheered on the players. He, alongside Drew Helms, created an esports program at Millikan High School.

Name: Zachary Hughey
Gamertag: Zachshot
Role: Social Media Intern
Favorite Game: Rocket League, CS:GO, League of Legends
Major: Film and Electronic Arts
Twitch | Twitter | Instagram

Mindy has been a part of the esports scene for only a short time, first getting into it in 2019. Wanting to improve herself, she trained over Summer 2020 before trying out for Overwatch Team B. Since then, her interactions with the club have furthered her passion and her desire to help people find a community.

Name: Mindy Nguyen
Gamertag: Mint
Role: Social Media Intern
Favorite Games: Valorant, Overwatch, GTA V, Hitman 2, Minecraft
Major: Communication Studies
Twitch | Twitter | Instagram

Christian is a transfer student, majoring in Finance. He recently started looking into DIY keyboards. With what he’s learned and is still learning, he hopes to “build all the keyboards” after he graduates and finds a decent job.

Name: Christian Mendoza
Gamertag: Kiddo Eon
Role: Discord Manager Intern
Favorite Game: TFT, Danganronpa Series, Tales of Symphonia
Major: Finance
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Lonnie is a 4th year student with a major in Spanish and minor in Translation Studies. Once he graduates from CSULB, he plans to interpret and translate documents but also wants to expand into freelance translation and localization in the gaming and/or esports industry.

Name: Lonnie Roberto McCoy
Gamertag: Veik
Role: Discord Manager Intern
Favorite Games: Overwatch, Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, Minecraft, Apex Legends
Major: Spanish, Translation Studies Minor
Twitch | Twitter | Instagram

Nicholas is a 3rd year Journalism major and (currently) the sole shoutcaster for CSULB Esports. He loves the positive aspect of the esports environment and enjoys the crowds and energy it can bring in events. As a shoutcaster, he plans to bring the hype to matches and improve his skills as a shoutcaster.

Name: Nicholas James
Gamertag: Niickolai
Role: Shoutcaster
Favorite Games: League of Legends, Kingdom Hearts, Call of Duty, Dead Space 1 and 2, Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, DOOM Eternal
Major: Journalism
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Switch Branch

Hector grew up playing Nintendo games, with the Super Smash Bros. franchise being the most impressionable games for him. Around his junior year in high school, he began competing in local smash tournaments. Once he enrolled at CSULB as a Mathematics major, he immediately sought out the Esports Association to continue his passion. After obtaining his BS in Mathematics, he plans to continue his education and get his Masters Degree. His ultimate goal is to teach mathematics at a university level.

Name: Hector Salinas | Branch Manager
Gamertag: Luck7
Favorite Game: Xenoblade Chronicles, Bravely Default, Fire Emblem Echoes
Major: Mathematics
Twitch | Twitter | Instagram

Daral is a 5th year student in Mechanical Engineering. His goal after graduating would be to find a career in his field, but esports will be a back-up plan if needed.

Name: Daral Leng | Branch Manager
Gamertag: D_Rail
Favorite Game: Tales of Symphonia, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Twitch | Twitter | Instagram

Once a member of the Salt Miners, Judy has now taken over the role of President for the club. Despite her positional change, her goals for the club remain the same: help members bond more with one another over their collective love for video games and find a balance between the competitive and casual sides of gaming.

Name: Judy Tran
Gamertag: Luffffy
Favorite Game: Fire Emblem Awakening, Tetris, Shin Megami Tensei Series
Major: Computer Science
Twitch | Twitter | Youtube

Gaming has helped Jay find an identity he can call for himself and wants to help others find a community they can be a part of. Through this club, he hopes others with a deep passion for gaming can discover a community of friends to connect with and be motivated to be more active in school.

Name: Jay Anthony Galiza
Gamertag: Sh(i)rocast
Favorite Game: Atelier series, Splatoon 2, Puyo Puyo
Major: Communications Major, Marketing Minor, Japanese Minor
Twitch | Twitter | Instagram

Malloy has been playing Smash since high school and was one of the best players. When he joined the club, he quickly learned that there were much better players than him. The motivation to get better and do something with people who have similar interest to him is what led to his interest in esports.

Name: Malloy Garcia
Gamertag: 「Castor」
Favorite Game: SSBU, Dragon Quest(s), Final Fantasy Tactics, Persona 3 FES
Major: Business Economics
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David first learned about esports and the club through Week of Welcome. He decided to join to make some new friends that had similar interests to him. Over time, he got more involved with the competitive side of the Smash scene.

Name: David Dung Nguyen
Gamertag: LeKappachino
Favorite Game: Metal Gear Solid V, Yakuza 0, Slay the Spire
Major: Computer Science
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Sean is a 4th year Business student and loves to play chess/run with his friends. While Sean is a part of the Salt Miner Branch, he has admitted that he is better at Teamfight Tactics (TFT) than he is at Smash.

Name: Sean Sudduth
Gamertag: LinkedKnight
Favorite Game: Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening DX
Major: Business Marketing
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Silas is a 2nd year English Literature major; but within the club, he is the community manager for the Switch/Smash branch. After graduating, he aims to continue studying English Literature and go to graduate school.

Name: Silas Kim
Gamertag: SeaLoss
Favorite Game: Mother 3, Super Smash Brothers
Major: English Literature
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