Team Signups

Current Status as of 1/22/2024:

Signups for Spring 2024 are OPEN for select games!

Tryout Dates:

Counter Strike 2 January 20th at 6:00 PT
Omega Strikers January 28th at 12PM PT
Overwatch 2 January 27th & February 3rd at 8:00 PT
Valorant February 2nd, 3rd, & 4th at 6:30PM PT
Call of Duty: MW3 January 27th & February 3rd at 7:00PM PT
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate January 31st
Apex Legends February 2nd at 8:00PM PT & February 3rd at 12:00PM PT
Pokemon VGC February 2nd & 3rd from 7:00PM PT
Splatoon February 1st – 5th
Rocket League February 4th at 6PM PT

Ranked Requirements for Tryouts:

CS:GO Gold: ESEA/Faceit: B, MM Rank: Master Guardian Elite+
Black: Gold Nova+
Call of Duty None
League of Legends Gold 4+
Omega Strikers None
Overwatch 2 Gold: Grandmaster 1+
Black: Masters+
Blue: Diamond+
White: None
Valorant Valorant Gold & Black: Immortal+
Valorant Blue & White: Ascendant+

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which teams will be hosting tryouts? All teams should be hosting tryouts for the Fall 2023 semester
Are the Call of Duty teams console or pc? The Call of Duty teams play on any platform but the main control scheme is Controller.
Where can I get more info about Smash Ultimate at CSULB? You can join the Smash discord here.
When is the deadline to signup? The day before the tryout date of the game you are signing up for.
When are tryouts? Tryout dates are specified above. If not specified, then the dates for that game are to be announced later.
Where are tryouts? All tryouts are happening online.
What if I’m not a high rank? Sign up anyway! You never know if you’ll make the team if you don’t sign up! Having a high rank only increases your chances of playing in tryouts.
How will tryouts work? The tryouts format is different for every game. Generally, we will form tryout teams and simply have them play games with each other. For more details about a specific game, please contact a board member in our discord server.

Select which game you're interested in applying for the SPRING 2022 semester.
Select which game you're interested in applying for the SPRING 2023 semester.
What rank do you hold in the game you're interested in applying for.
(i.e. Jungle, DPS, Tank, Support, Entry Frag, etc.)